Custom mIRC theme used/made by Myself

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Custom mIRC theme used/made by Myself

Postby GrimReaper » Tue Dec 01, 2009 8:31 pm

Please see later post for an updated version
Last edited by GrimReaper on Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Custom mIRC theme used/made by Myself

Postby GrimReaper » Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:40 pm

Code: Select all
on ^*:RAWMODE:#:{ haltdef | echo -t $chan * ChanMode: 4»12 $+ $replace($nick,.,4.12) $+ 4« 12sets 4[12 $+ $1 $+ 4]12 $replace($iif($2,$2-),!,4!12,@,4@12,.,4.12) }
on ^*:JOIN:#:{ haltdef | if ($nick != $me) echo -t $chan * Joins:12 $nick 4(12 $+ $replace($address,@,4@12,.,4.12,:,4:12) $+ 4) $bracket($nick($chan,0,a),$iif($nick($chan,0,a) == 1,Person,People)) | else { echo -t $chan * Now talking in4 # $+ . } }
on ^*:PART:#:{ haltdef | if ($nick != $me) echo -t $chan * Parts:12 $nick 4(12 $+ $replace($address,@,4@12,.,4.12) $+ 4) $iif($1,4«12 $+ $chr(40) $+  $+ $1- $+ 12 $+ $chr(41) $+ 4») $bracket($calc($nick($chan,0,a) - 1),$iif($calc($nick($chan,0,a) - 1) == 1,Person,People)) }
on ^*:QUIT:{ haltdef | var %x = 1 | while (%x <= $comchan($nick,0)) { echo -t $comchan($nick,%x) * Quits:12 $nick 4(12 $+ $replace($address,@,4@12,.,4.12,:,4:12) $+ 4) «12( $+ $1- $+ 12)4» $bracket($calc($nick($comchan($nick,%x),0) - 1),$iif($calc($nick($comchan($nick,%x),0) - 1) == 1,Person,People)) | inc %x } }
on ^*:NICK:{ haltdef | var %x = 1 | while (%x <= $comchan($newnick,0)) { echo $comchan($newnick,%x) $timestamp * Nick:12 $nick 4Has 12Changed 4Nick 12To 4[12 $+ $newnick $+ 4] | inc %x } }
on ^*:KICK:#:{ haltdef | if ($knick != $me) echo -t $chan * Kicks:12 $knick 4was 12kicked 4by12 $nick $iif($1,4«12 $+ $chr(40) $+  $+ $1- $+ 12 $+ $chr(41) $+ 4») $bracket($calc($nick($chan,0,a) - 1),$iif($calc($nick($chan,0,a) - 1) == 1,Person,People)) | else echo -t $chan * Kicks: 12You 4were 12kicked 4by12 $nick $iif($1,4« $+ 12 $+ $chr(40) $+  $+ $1- $+ 12 $+ $chr(41) $+ 4») }
on ^*:TOPIC:#:{ haltdef | echo -t $chan * Topic Change: 12By 4«12 $+ $nick $+ 4» 12To4: $1- }
raw 324:*:{ if (% [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $network ] ]) { HALT } | else { echo -t $2 * Modes: $replace($3-,[,4[12,$chr(35),4 $+ $chr(35) $+ 12,$chr(44),4 $+ $chr(44) $+ 12,],4]12) | set -u120 % [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $network ] ] on } }
raw 332:*:{ echo -t $2 * Topic: $3- | haltdef }
raw 333:*:{ echo -t $2 * Topic: Set by 4»12 $+ $iif(! isin $3,$gettok($3,1,33),$3) $+ 4«12 On 4(12 $+ $asctime($4) $+ 4) | haltdef }
on ^*:USERMODE:{ echo -s $timestamp UserMode: 12You 4Changed12: 4(12 $+ $1- $+ 4) | echo -t UserMode: 12Is 4Now12: 4(12 $+ $usermode $+ 4) | haltdef }
on *:BAN:#: {
  var %Ban.Count = $ial($remove($banmask,~n:,~q:),0), %Ban.Addy = $remove($banmask,~n:,~q:), %Ban.Chan = $chan, %Ban.Match
  while (%Ban.Count) {
    %Ban.Match = %Ban.Match $ialchan(%Ban.Addy,$chan,%Ban.Count).nick
    dec %Ban.Count
  if (%Ban.Match) { echo -t %Ban.Chan 0* Ban: 12This 4ban 12effects4 »12 $+ $replace(%Ban.Match,$chr(32),4 $+ $chr(44) $+ $chr(32) $+ 12) $+ 4« }
  else { echo -t %Ban.Chan 0* Ban: 12This 4ban 12effects4 »12No One4« } 
alias -l bracket {
  if ($1- != $null) {
    if ((http: !isin $1-) && ($chr(35) !isin $1-)) { return 4«12 $+ $1- $+ 4» }
    else { return 4«12 $+ $chr(32) $+ $1- $+ $chr(32) $+ 4» }

I have updated the script to show the name of the banned user's within the channel.

NOT within the entire network. which caused alot of echo flooding when someone banned *!*@*

Update: Added a RAW event to show channel modes on join to a channel.
Last edited by GrimReaper on Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:41 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Custom mIRC theme used/made by Myself

Postby GrimReaper » Tue Jul 20, 2010 9:33 pm

Code: Select all
on ^*:RAWMODE:#:{ haltdef | echo -t $chan * ChanMode: » $+ $nick $+ « sets $chr(91) $+ $1 $+ $chr(93) $iif($2,$2-) }
on ^*:JOIN:#:{ haltdef | if ($nick != $me) echo -t $chan * Joins: $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) $bracket($nick($chan,0,a),$iif($nick($chan,0,a) == 1,Person,People)) | else { echo -t $chan * Now talking in # $+ . } }
on ^*:PART:#:{ haltdef | if ($nick != $me) echo -t $chan * Parts: $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) $iif($1,« $+ $chr(40) $+ $1- $+ $chr(41) $+ ») $bracket($calc($nick($chan,0,a) - 1),$iif($calc($nick($chan,0,a) - 1) == 1,Person,People)) }
on ^*:QUIT:{ haltdef | var %x = 1 | while (%x <= $comchan($nick,0)) { echo -t $comchan($nick,%x) * Quits: $nick ( $+ $address $+ ) «( $+ $1- $+ )» $bracket($calc($nick($comchan($nick,%x),0) - 1),$iif($calc($nick($comchan($nick,%x),0) - 1) == 1,Person,People)) | inc %x } }
on ^*:NICK:{ haltdef | var %x = 1 | while (%x <= $comchan($newnick,0)) { echo $comchan($newnick,%x) $timestamp * Nick: $nick Has Changed Nick To $chr(91) $+ $newnick $+ $chr(93) | inc %x } }
on ^*:KICK:#:{ haltdef | if ($knick != $me) echo -t $chan * Kicks: $knick was kicked by $nick $iif($1,« $+ $chr(40) $+ $1- $+ $chr(41) $+ ») | else echo -t $chan * Kicks: You were kicked by $nick $iif($1,« $+ $chr(40) $+ $1- $+ $chr(41) $+ ») }
on ^*:TOPIC:#:{ haltdef | echo -t $chan * Topic Change: By « $+ $nick $+ » To: $1- }
raw 324:*:{ if (% [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $network ] ]) { HALT } | else { echo -t $2 * Modes: $3- | set -u120 % [ $+ [ $2 ] $+ ] . [ $+ [ $network ] ] on } }
raw 332:*:{ echo -t $2 * Topic: $3- | haltdef }
raw 333:*:{ echo -t $2 * Topic: Set by » $+ $iif(! isin $3,$gettok($3,1,33),$3) $+ « On ( $+ $asctime($4) $+ ) | haltdef }
on ^*:USERMODE:{ echo -s $timestamp UserMode: You Changed: ( $+ $1- $+ ) | echo -t UserMode: Is Now: ( $+ $usermode $+ ) | haltdef }
on *:BAN:#: {
  var %Ban.Count = $ial($remove($banmask,~n:,~q:),0), %Ban.Addy = $remove($banmask,~n:,~q:), %Ban.Chan = $chan, %Ban.Match
  while (%Ban.Count) {
    %Ban.Match = %Ban.Match $ialchan(%Ban.Addy,$chan,%Ban.Count).nick
    dec %Ban.Count
  if (%Ban.Match) { echo -t %Ban.Chan 0* Ban: This ban effects » $+ $replace(%Ban.Match,$chr(32),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32)) $+ « }
  else { echo -t %Ban.Chan 0* Ban: This ban effects »No One« } 
alias -l bracket {
  if ($1- != $null) {
    if ((http: !isin $1-) && ($chr(35) !isin $1-)) { return « $+ $1- $+ » }
    else { return « $+ $chr(32) $+ $1- $+ $chr(32) $+ » }

Updated this one to have the color codes removed.

Added the bracket alias that was missing as well.

Updated: Showing the channel modes on join.. Removed colors for those user's who don't want them. :)
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