For GeekShed Guest Users, This Chat Link is provided below:


Once you decide to stick around, you might look into other clients out there like Quassel, Mirc, Hexchat, Xchat, or the other many IRC clients that are available to use. 


For you webmasters with chatrooms here:

  • To use this Kiwi Client for your own chat room on this network:

  • Replace #channelname with your channel name and “Guest” with the username you want your guests to start out with, the ? on the end will give them a random number assigned Guest? <— as in Guest99


  • To use Mibbit Client for your own chat room on this network:

  • Replace Channelname with your channel name and “Guest” with the username you want your guests to start out with, the ? on the end will give them a random number assigned Guest? <— as in Guest99


Have a great day on GeekShed ;-)

Tom Coyote Wilson and the GeekShed Staff welcome you!