The Most Popular Tips Published in 2012

Last year we published a list of the 10 Most Visited Tips for 2011. While the order shifted around, it turns you that you had the same top 9 questions for 2012. Why should I register my nickname and how do I do it? (#8 in 2011) rose to the #1 position, and new to the list was the question How Do I Join Channels Automatically?

Since there was little change in the overall most visited overall tips, I rounded up the most popular tips that were published in 2012. Here are the new tips that you visited the most:

  1. Using Channel Keys
  2. I’m Banned From My Own Channel
  3. Using Channel Modes to Hide Your Channel
  4. How to Block Private Messages (PMs)
  5. Choosing a Nickname
  6. Are You Using Our Round Robins?
  7. What To Do If You Forget Your Password
  8. What Is A Hostmask?
  9. What’s a Netsplit?
  10. Getting a Channel in the List of Chat Rooms

Thanks to everyone for a great 2012 on GeekShed. If you have any questions you’d like us to write about on the site, post the details in the Comments and Suggestions board on the GeekShed Forums. Also remember that you can apply to have your channel featured on the site, like our featured channels in 2012: #LordKaT, #EricJess, #mIRC, and #247fixes.


—posted by Tengrrl/Bunny